Sunday, August 24, 2014

જી.આઈ.ડી.સી.ઈંન્જીનીયર કોલેજ નવસારીમાં આસિટંન્ટ પ્રોફેસરની ભરતીની જાહેરાત

Walk in interview will be held on by GIDC Degree Engineering College, Navsari for the recruitment of the post of Assistant Professor in the various departments as prescribed below. Recruitment is on contractual basis for 11 months. Candidates are required to appear for the interview along with an application and necessary testimonials at below mention address on the date and time as prescribed below. For more details read official notification. Other details are given below.

Job Description:

1) Job Title: Assistant Professor
Number of Vacancies: 5
Name of the Department: Civil Engineering

2) Job Title: Assistant Professor
Number of Vacancies: 4
Name of the Department: Mechanical Engineering

3) Job Title: Assistant Professor
Number of Vacancies: 3
Name of the Department: Electrical Engineering

4) Job Title: Assistant Professor
Number of Vacancies: 2
Name of the Department: Computer Engineering

5) Job Title: Assistant Professor
Number of Vacancies: 2
Name of the Department: Automobile Engineering

6) Job Title: Assistant Professor
Number of Vacancies: 2
Name of the Department: Communication Skill

7) Job Title: Assistant Professor
Number of Vacancies: 2
Name of the Department: Mathematics

Salary: Rs. 20000/- for B.E/B. Tech and Rs. 25000/- for M.E/M. Tech

Dates to Remember:
Date & Time for Walk in Interview: 26/08/2014 between 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM

GIDC Degree Engineering College,

Source Website:

Official Website:

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