This is default featured slide 1 title

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This is default featured slide 3 title

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Friday, April 30, 2021

Std 1 to 12 Home Learning DD Girnar And Diksha Portal Date 30/04/2021

Std  1 to 12 Home Learning DD Girnar And Diksha Portal Date 30/04/2021 We are providing Information About STD 1 to 12 Home Learning Video date 30/04/2021.

Std 3 to 12 Home Learning And Virtual Class Video date 30/04/2021. std 3 to 12  home learning video of dd Girnar Prasaran YouTube and Diksha Portal Link. std 9 to 12 Virtual Class Live Video. In this Post, We Are Provide Information About std 3 to 12 Home Learning Video DD Girnar And Virtual Class .std 3 to 12 Home learning video of DD Girnar Prasaran And STD 1 to 12 Virtual Class Video Link. STD 1 to 12 Home Learning And Virtual Class Video date 30/04/2021
The entire education includes courses ranging from pre-primary education to standard 01. With the broad goal of improving school effectiveness, everyone gets an excellent education and equal opportunities for schooling and equal learning outcomes are taken into account. The entire education includes three pre-schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), and Shikshak Shikshan (TE). std 1 to 12 Home Learning Video DD Girnar And std 9 to 12 Virtual Class At the time of the COVID-01 epidemic, all schools were declared closed by the government. Under this HOME LEARNING program has been started by the government. In this program, SAMAGRA SHIKSHA, the Government of Gujarat has tried to engage the students through live broadcasts through virtual classes so that the students feel like they are studying in the classroom. In which excellent cooperation has been received from the scholars.
Welcome to the virtual class of Std-9 to 12 under the Home Learning Program by the whole education. You can watch our live class live broadcast via the subsequent media link. If you have any opinion.DD Girnar time table April 2021
The video can be viewed by clicking on the link for the video in the given pdf to watch the video of "Home Learning". Click on the link in the book to download the chapter on that topic. What is a Virtual classroom? A virtual classroom is an online learning environment that allows for live interaction between the tutor and the learners as they are participating in learning activities. In other words, the virtual classroom is a shared online space where the learners and the tutor work together simultaneously. Usually, these interactions take place through videoconferencing. The participants have tools to present learning content in different formats, as well as to implement collaborative and individual activities. In this type of interaction, the teacher has a particularly important role of the moderator who guides the learning process and supports group activities and discussions. The most common tools you can find in a virtual classroom are: Videoconferencing Online whiteboard for real-time collaboration Instant messaging tool Participation controls Breakout rooms
Home Learning Video dated 30/04/2021 Student friends, get today's online education by opening the link below your standard Important Link Of Video
std 1 to 12 Home learning video date 30/04/2021  Std Home Learning Video Date 30/04/2021
30/04/2021 STD 4 Home Learning Link Of Youtube ગણિત
30/04/2021 STD 4 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal
 Home Learning Link Of Youtube 30/04/2021 STD 9
STD 11 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal .

30/04/2021 STD 12
Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal
std 9 to 12 Virtual class video date 30/04/2021 A virtual classroom is a digital replica of a traditional classroom or training room. The instructors teach, and the participants learn in real-time, face-to-face but via internet-enabled technology devices. The classroom or the meeting room staple – whiteboard – remains intact. Brainstorming, ideation, and discussions happen in real-time. Tests are given and taken pre and post the session. The reports are ready right after the session is over. Everything remains the way it is. The only difference is: an online classroom uses technology to support instruction and learning. What are the advantages of a virtual classroom? It offers more flexibility over a traditional classroom.  
You can deliver the instruction to a geographically dispersed audience at one time. Both the instructors and learners have rich experience of collaborating with other learners and instructors from around the world. The attendance is automatically tracked. Moreover, online collaboration typically incorporates more communication tools, such as chat, open discussion boards, polls, multimedia content, and social media.
 The online class software works in a similar fashion for businesses. You can train employees, vendors, partners, and customers face-to-face in real-time via a standalone app or you can also integrate it with your website, CMS, ERP, or LMS. You can conduct the training even when the stakeholders are on the move. They can access the eLearning material and attend the live session from their smartphones, tablets, or laptops. When you do a search of what a virtual classroom is exactly, you come across a wide variety of definitions. Some of them relate the virtual classroom to course materials, homework, tests, and assignments that are typically used in self-paced (asynchronous) learning.
However, all of these activities are external to the classroom experience. That is why the definition of a virtual classroom should be related to synchronous online learning, which happens in real-time and provides the participants with an experience very close to traditional face-to-face teaching. Here is our understanding of what a virtual classroom is: Std 9 Virtual Class Video
Date 30/04/2021: Click Here Live At 10:00 AM Std 9 Virtual Class Video SCIENCE Date 30/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01:00 AM Std 9 Virtual Class Video  Date 30/04/2021: Click Here Live At 2: 01 PM std 10 Virtual class Click Here Live At 01:00 AM std 10 Virtual class  video date 30/04/2021: Click Here Live At 2:01 PM std 12 Virtual class Namana Mul Tatvo video date 30/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01:01 PM std 12 Virtual class Maths video date 30/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01: PM.std 12 Virtual class Akdashashtr video date 30/04/2021: Click Here Live At 1: 01 PM std 12 Virtual class 
video date 30/04/2021: Click Here Live At 1: 01 PM Synchronous virtual classrooms have the potential to provide significant added value to online learning by addressing the needs of the learners as they relate to social interaction and psychological safety. They can also create a new standard in the learning experience that goes above and beyond the physical space of the classroom and traditional teaching methods. The virtual classroom provides an abundance of opportunities, especially when combined with self-study platforms (learning management systems) or when used in addition to traditional classroom learning activities. Unlike asynchronous learning environments, the synchronous virtual classroom allows for instant feedback, direct teacher-student interaction, and engaging activities to increase motivation and active participation. Immediate communication favors relationship building within the group, as well as a sense of community. interactions in a virtual classroom create a sense of a more informal and safer emotional environment as the learners usually participate from the comfort of their homes. The learning process is much more focused because of the absence of the usual physical distractions that are found in the conventional classroom. Psychological safety leads to better learning outcomes. It also fosters creativity, confidence, and a willingness to experiment on the part of the learners. The virtual teacher also has a crucial role here – they need to encourage safe discussions, mutual respect, equal opportunities to participate, and the free sharing of different viewpoints. The teacher can enhance the psychological safety of the learners and make things more personalized by adding options for self-directed learning, as well as by communicating more frequently with every student through a Learning Management System. Welcome to the virtual class of STD 1 to 12 under the Home Learning Program by the whole education. You can watch our live class live broadcast via the subsequent media link. If you have any opinion

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Std 1 to 12 Home Learning DD Girnar And Diksha Portal Date 29/04/2021

Std  1 to 12 Home Learning DD Girnar And Diksha Portal Date 29/04/2021 We are providing Information About STD 1 to 12 Home Learning Video date 29/04/2021.

Std 3 to 12 Home Learning And Virtual Class Video date 29/04/2021. std 3 to 12  home learning video of dd Girnar Prasaran YouTube and Diksha Portal Link. std 9 to 12 Virtual Class Live Video. In this Post, We Are Provide Information About std 3 to 12 Home Learning Video DD Girnar And Virtual Class .std 3 to 12 Home learning video of DD Girnar Prasaran And STD 1 to 12 Virtual Class Video Link. STD 1 to 12 Home Learning And Virtual Class Video date 29/04/2021


The entire education includes courses ranging from pre-primary education to standard 01. With the broad goal of improving school effectiveness, everyone gets an excellent education and equal opportunities for schooling and equal learning outcomes are taken into account. The entire education includes three pre-schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), and Shikshak Shikshan (TE). std 1 to 12 Home Learning Video DD Girnar And std 9 to 12 Virtual Class At the time of the COVID-01 epidemic, all schools were declared closed by the government. Under this HOME LEARNING program has been started by the government. In this program, SAMAGRA SHIKSHA, the Government of Gujarat has tried to engage the students through live broadcasts through virtual classes so that the students feel like they are studying in the classroom. In which excellent cooperation has been received from the scholars.

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULEGR

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULE STD-1&2

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULE STD-3,4&5

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULE STD-6,7&8

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30  April 2021 SEDULE STD-9 to12

Welcome to the virtual class of Std-9 to 12 under the Home Learning Program by the whole education. You can watch our live class live broadcast via the subsequent media link. If you have any opinion.DD Girnar time table April 2021

The video can be viewed by clicking on the link for the video in the given pdf to watch the video of "Home Learning". Click on the link in the book to download the chapter on that topic. What is a Virtual classroom? A virtual classroom is an online learning environment that allows for live interaction between the tutor and the learners as they are participating in learning activities. In other words, the virtual classroom is a shared online space where the learners and the tutor work together simultaneously. Usually, these interactions take place through videoconferencing. The participants have tools to present learning content in different formats, as well as to implement collaborative and individual activities. In this type of interaction, the teacher has a particularly important role of the moderator who guides the learning process and supports group activities and discussions. The most common tools you can find in a virtual classroom are: Videoconferencing Online whiteboard for real-time collaboration Instant messaging tool Participation controls Breakout rooms

Home Learning Video dated 29/04/2021 Student friends, get today's online education by opening the link below your standard Important Link Of Video

std 1 to 12 Home learning video date 29/04/2021  Std Home Learning Video Date 29/04/2021

STD1  29/04/2021  Gujarati Home Learning Link Of Youtube

29/04/2021 STD 1

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal 29/04/2021 STD 2

Home Learning Link Of Youtube 29/04/2021 STD 2

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal 29/04/2021 STD 3 Home Learning Link Of Youtube ગુજરાતી

29/04/2021 STD 3 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal    

29/04/2021 STD 4 Home Learning Link Of Youtube હિન્દી

29/04/2021 STD 4 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal

29/04/2021 STD 5 Home Learning Link Of Youtube અંગ્રેજી

29/04/2021 STD 5 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal

29/04/2021 STD 6 Home Learning Link Of Youtube સંસ્કૃત

29/04/2021 STD 6 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal 

29/04/2021 STD 7 Home Learning Link Of Youtube સંસ્કૃત

29/04/2021 STD 7 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal

29/04/2021 STD 8 Home Learning Link Of Youtube સંસ્કૃત

29/04/2021 STD 8

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal  29/04/2021 STD 9

 Home Learning Link Of Youtube 29/04/2021 STD 9

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal  29/04/2021  STD 10 વિજ્ઞાન

Home Learning Link Of Youtube 29/04/2021 STD 10

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal 29/04/2021 STD 11 Home Learning Link Of Youtube 29/04/2021

STD 11 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal .

29/04/2021 STD 12 Home Learning Link Of જીવવિજ્ઞાન



29/04/2021 STD 12

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal

std 9 to 12 Virtual class video date 29/04/2021 A virtual classroom is a digital replica of a traditional classroom or training room. The instructors teach, and the participants learn in real-time, face-to-face but via internet-enabled technology devices. The classroom or the meeting room staple – whiteboard – remains intact. Brainstorming, ideation, and discussions happen in real-time. Tests are given and taken pre and post the session. The reports are ready right after the session is over. Everything remains the way it is. The only difference is: an online classroom uses technology to support instruction and learning. What are the advantages of a virtual classroom? It offers more flexibility over a traditional classroom.  

You can deliver the instruction to a geographically dispersed audience at one time. Both the instructors and learners have rich experience of collaborating with other learners and instructors from around the world. The attendance is automatically tracked. Moreover, online collaboration typically incorporates more communication tools, such as chat, open discussion boards, polls, multimedia content, and social media.

 The online class software works in a similar fashion for businesses. You can train employees, vendors, partners, and customers face-to-face in real-time via a standalone app or you can also integrate it with your website, CMS, ERP, or LMS. You can conduct the training even when the stakeholders are on the move. They can access the eLearning material and attend the live session from their smartphones, tablets, or laptops. When you do a search of what a virtual classroom is exactly, you come across a wide variety of definitions. Some of them relate the virtual classroom to course materials, homework, tests, and assignments that are typically used in self-paced (asynchronous) learning.

However, all of these activities are external to the classroom experience. That is why the definition of a virtual classroom should be related to synchronous online learning, which happens in real-time and provides the participants with an experience very close to traditional face-to-face teaching. Here is our understanding of what a virtual classroom is: Std 9 Virtual Class Video

Date 29/04/2021: Click Here Live At 10:00 AM Std 9 Virtual Class Video SCIENCE Date 29/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01:00 AM Std 9 Virtual Class Video  Date 29/04/2021: Click Here Live At 2: 01 PM std 10 Virtual class Click Here Live At 01:00 AM std 10 Virtual class  video date 29/04/2021: Click Here Live At 2:01 PM std 12 Virtual class Namana Mul Tatvo video date 29/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01:01 PM std 12 Virtual class Maths video date 29/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01: PM.std 12 Virtual class Akdashashtr video date 29/04/2021: Click Here Live At 1: 01 PM std 12 Virtual class 

video date 29/04/2021: Click Here Live At 1: 01 PM Synchronous virtual classrooms have the potential to provide significant added value to online learning by addressing the needs of the learners as they relate to social interaction and psychological safety. They can also create a new standard in the learning experience that goes above and beyond the physical space of the classroom and traditional teaching methods. The virtual classroom provides an abundance of opportunities, especially when combined with self-study platforms (learning management systems) or when used in addition to traditional classroom learning activities. Unlike asynchronous learning environments, the synchronous virtual classroom allows for instant feedback, direct teacher-student interaction, and engaging activities to increase motivation and active participation. Immediate communication favors relationship building within the group, as well as a sense of community. interactions in a virtual classroom create a sense of a more informal and safer emotional environment as the learners usually participate from the comfort of their homes. The learning process is much more focused because of the absence of the usual physical distractions that are found in the conventional classroom. Psychological safety leads to better learning outcomes. It also fosters creativity, confidence, and a willingness to experiment on the part of the learners. The virtual teacher also has a crucial role here – they need to encourage safe discussions, mutual respect, equal opportunities to participate, and the free sharing of different viewpoints. The teacher can enhance the psychological safety of the learners and make things more personalized by adding options for self-directed learning, as well as by communicating more frequently with every student through a Learning Management System. Welcome to the virtual class of STD 1 to 12 under the Home Learning Program by the whole education. You can watch our live class live broadcast via the subsequent media link. If you have any opinion

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Std 1 to 12 Home Learning DD Girnar And Diksha Portal Date 28/04/2021

Std  1 to 12 Home Learning DD Girnar And Diksha Portal Date 28/04/2021 We are providing Information About STD 1 to 12 Home Learning Video date 28/04/2021.

Std 3 to 12 Home Learning And Virtual Class Video date 28/04/2021. std 3 to 12  home learning video of dd Girnar Prasaran YouTube and Diksha Portal Link. std 9 to 12 Virtual Class Live Video. In this Post, We Are Provide Information About std 3 to 12 Home Learning Video DD Girnar And Virtual Class .std 3 to 12 Home learning video of DD Girnar Prasaran And STD 1 to 12 Virtual Class Video Link. STD 1 to 12 Home Learning And Virtual Class Video date 28/04/2021


The entire education includes courses ranging from pre-primary education to standard 01. With the broad goal of improving school effectiveness, everyone gets an excellent education and equal opportunities for schooling and equal learning outcomes are taken into account. The entire education includes three pre-schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), and Shikshak Shikshan (TE). std 1 to 12 Home Learning Video DD Girnar And std 9 to 12 Virtual Class At the time of the COVID-01 epidemic, all schools were declared closed by the government. Under this HOME LEARNING program has been started by the government. In this program, SAMAGRA SHIKSHA, the Government of Gujarat has tried to engage the students through live broadcasts through virtual classes so that the students feel like they are studying in the classroom. In which excellent cooperation has been received from the scholars.

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULEGR

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULE STD-1&2

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULE STD-3,4&5

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULE STD-6,7&8

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30  April 2021 SEDULE STD-9 to12

Welcome to the virtual class of Std-9 to 12 under the Home Learning Program by the whole education. You can watch our live class live broadcast via the subsequent media link. If you have any opinion.DD Girnar time table April 2021

The video can be viewed by clicking on the link for the video in the given pdf to watch the video of "Home Learning". Click on the link in the book to download the chapter on that topic. What is a Virtual classroom? A virtual classroom is an online learning environment that allows for live interaction between the tutor and the learners as they are participating in learning activities. In other words, the virtual classroom is a shared online space where the learners and the tutor work together simultaneously. Usually, these interactions take place through videoconferencing. The participants have tools to present learning content in different formats, as well as to implement collaborative and individual activities. In this type of interaction, the teacher has a particularly important role of the moderator who guides the learning process and supports group activities and discussions. The most common tools you can find in a virtual classroom are: Videoconferencing Online whiteboard for real-time collaboration Instant messaging tool Participation controls Breakout rooms

Home Learning Video dated 28/04/2021 Student friends, get today's online education by opening the link below your standard Important Link Of Video

std 1 to 12 Home learning video date 28/04/2021  Std Home Learning Video Date 28/04/2021

STD1  28/04/2021  Gujarati Home Learning Link Of Youtube

28/04/2021 STD 1

HomeLearning Link Of Diksha Portal 28/04/2021 STD 2

Home Learning Link Of Youtube 28/04/2021 STD 2

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal 28/04/2021 STD 3 Home Learning Link Of Youtube પયૉવરણ

28/04/2021 STD 3 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal    

28/04/2021 STD 4 Home Learning Link Of Youtube પયૉવરણ

28/04/2021 STD 4 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal

28/04/2021 STD 5 Home Learning Link Of Youtube ગણિત

28/04/2021 STD 5 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal

28/04/2021 STD 6 Home Learning Link Of Youtube વિજ્ઞાન

28/04/2021 STD 6 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal 

28/04/2021 STD 7 Home Learning Link Of Youtube વિજ્ઞાન

28/04/2021 STD 7 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal

28/04/2021 STD 8 Home Learning Link Of Youtube વિજ્ઞાન

28/04/2021 STD 8

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal  28/04/2021 STD 9

 Home Learning Link Of Youtube 28/04/2021 STD 9

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal  28/04/2021  STD 10 વિજ્ઞાન

Home Learning Link Of Youtube 28/04/2021 STD 10

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal 28/04/2021 STD 11 Home Learning Link Of Youtube 28/04/2021

STD 11 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal .

28/04/2021 STD 12 Home Learning Link Of Youtube જીવવિજ્ઞાન



28/04/2021 STD 12

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal

std 9 to 12 Virtual class video date 28/04/2021 A virtual classroom is a digital replica of a traditional classroom or training room. The instructors teach, and the participants learn in real-time, face-to-face but via internet-enabled technology devices. The classroom or the meeting room staple – whiteboard – remains intact. Brainstorming, ideation, and discussions happen in real-time. Tests are given and taken pre and post the session. The reports are ready right after the session is over. Everything remains the way it is. The only difference is: an online classroom uses technology to support instruction and learning. What are the advantages of a virtual classroom? It offers more flexibility over a traditional classroom.  

You can deliver the instruction to a geographically dispersed audience at one time. Both the instructors and learners have rich experience of collaborating with other learners and instructors from around the world. The attendance is automatically tracked. Moreover, online collaboration typically incorporates more communication tools, such as chat, open discussion boards, polls, multimedia content, and social media.

 The online class software works in a similar fashion for businesses. You can train employees, vendors, partners, and customers face-to-face in real-time via a standalone app or you can also integrate it with your website, CMS, ERP, or LMS. You can conduct the training even when the stakeholders are on the move. They can access the eLearning material and attend the live session from their smartphones, tablets, or laptops. When you do a search of what a virtual classroom is exactly, you come across a wide variety of definitions. Some of them relate the virtual classroom to course materials, homework, tests, and assignments that are typically used in self-paced (asynchronous) learning.

However, all of these activities are external to the classroom experience. That is why the definition of a virtual classroom should be related to synchronous online learning, which happens in real-time and provides the participants with an experience very close to traditional face-to-face teaching. Here is our understanding of what a virtual classroom is: Std 9 Virtual Class Video

Date 28/04/2021: Click Here Live At 10:00 AM Std 9 Virtual Class Video SCIENCE Date 28/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01:00 AM Std 9 Virtual Class Video  Date 28/04/2021: Click Here Live At 2: 01 PM std 10 Virtual class Click Here Live At 01:00 AM std 10 Virtual class  video date 28/04/2021: Click Here Live At 2:01 PM std 12 Virtual class Namana Mul Tatvo video date 28/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01:01 PM std 12 Virtual class Maths video date 28/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01: PM.std 12 Virtual class Akdashashtr video date 28/04/2021: Click Here Live At 1: 01 PM std 12 Virtual class 

video date 28/04/2021: Click Here Live At 1: 01 PM Synchronous virtual classrooms have the potential to provide significant added value to online learning by addressing the needs of the learners as they relate to social interaction and psychological safety. They can also create a new standard in the learning experience that goes above and beyond the physical space of the classroom and traditional teaching methods. The virtual classroom provides an abundance of opportunities, especially when combined with self-study platforms (learning management systems) or when used in addition to traditional classroom learning activities. Unlike asynchronous learning environments, the synchronous virtual classroom allows for instant feedback, direct teacher-student interaction, and engaging activities to increase motivation and active participation. Immediate communication favors relationship building within the group, as well as a sense of community. interactions in a virtual classroom create a sense of a more informal and safer emotional environment as the learners usually participate from the comfort of their homes. The learning process is much more focused because of the absence of the usual physical distractions that are found in the conventional classroom. Psychological safety leads to better learning outcomes. It also fosters creativity, confidence, and a willingness to experiment on the part of the learners. The virtual teacher also has a crucial role here – they need to encourage safe discussions, mutual respect, equal opportunities to participate, and the free sharing of different viewpoints. The teacher can enhance the psychological safety of the learners and make things more personalized by adding options for self-directed learning, as well as by communicating more frequently with every student through a Learning Management System. Welcome to the virtual class of STD 1 to 12 under the Home Learning Program by the whole education. You can watch our live class live broadcast via the subsequent media link. If you have any opinion

Monday, April 26, 2021

Std 1 to 12 Home Learning DD Girnar And Diksha Portal Date 27/04/2021

Std  1 to 12 Home Learning DD Girnar And Diksha Portal Date 27/04/2021 We are providing Information About STD 1 to 12 Home Learning Video date 27/04/2021.

Std 3 to 12 Home Learning And Virtual Class Video date 27/04/2021. std 3 to 12  home learning video of dd Girnar Prasaran YouTube and Diksha Portal Link. std 9 to 12 Virtual Class Live Video. In this Post, We Are Provide Information About std 3 to 12 Home Learning Video DD Girnar And Virtual Class .std 3 to 12 Home learning video of DD Girnar Prasaran And STD 1 to 12 Virtual Class Video Link. STD 1 to 12 Home Learning And Virtual Class Video date 27/04/2021


The entire educat ion includes courses ranging from pre-primary education to standard 01. With the broad goal of improving school effectiveness, everyone gets an excellent education and equal opportunities for schooling and equal learning outcomes are taken into account. The entire education includes three pre-schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), and Shikshak Shikshan (TE). std 1 to 12 Home Learning Video DD Girnar And std 9 to 12 Virtual Class At the time of the COVID-01 epidemic, all schools were declared closed by the government. Under this HOME LEARNING program has been started by the government. In this program, SAMAGRA SHIKSHA, the Government of Gujarat has tried to engage the students through live broadcasts through virtual classes so that the students feel like they are studying in the classroom. In which excellent cooperation has been received from the scholars

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULE

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULE STD-1&2

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULE STD-3,4&5

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30 April 2021 SEDULE STD-6,7&8

HOME TO LEARNING16 April to 30  April 2021 SEDULE STD-9 to12

Welcome to the virtual class of Std-9 to 12 under the Home Learning Program by the whole education. You can watch our live class live broadcast via the subsequent media link. If you have any opinion.DD Girnar time table April 202

The video can be viewed by clicking on the link for the video in the given pdf to watch the video of "Home Learning". Click on the link in the book to download the chapter on that topic. What is a Virtual classroom? A virtual classroom is an online learning environment that allows for live interaction between the tutor and the learners as they are participating in learning activities. In other words, the virtual classroom is a shared online space where the learners and the tutor work together simultaneously. Usually, these interactions take place through videoconferencing. The participants have tools to present learning content in different formats, as well as to implement collaborative and individual activities. In this type of interaction, the teacher has a particularly important role of the moderator who guides the learning process and supports group activities and discussions. The most common tools you can find in a virtual classroom are: Videoconferencing Online whiteboard for real-time collaboration Instant messaging tool Participation controls Breakout room

Home Learning Video dated 27/04/2021 Student friends, get today's online education by opening the link below your standard Important Link Of Vide

std 1 to 12 Home learning video date 27/04/2021  Std Home Learning Video Date 27/04/202

STD1  27/04/2021  Gujarati Home Learning Link Of Youtub ગુજરાતી

27/04/2021 STD 

HomeLearning Link Of Diksha Portal 27/04/2021 STD 2 ગુજરાતી

Home Learning Link Of Youtube 27/04/2021 STD 2
Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal 27/04/2021 STD 3 Home Learning Link Of Youtube ગણિત
27/04/2021 STD 3 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal   

27/04/2021 STD 4 Home Learning Link Of Youtube ગણિત

27/04/2021 STD 4 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Porta

27/04/2021 STD 5 Home Learning Link Of Youtube હિન્દી

27/04/2021 STD 5 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Porta

27/04/2021 STD 6 Home Learning Link Of Youtube અંગ્રેજી

27/04/2021 STD 6 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal

27/04/2021 STD 7 Home Learning Link Of Youtube અંગ્રેજી

27/04/2021 STD 7 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Porta

27/04/2021 STD 8 Home Learning Link Of Youtube અંગ્રેજી

27/04/2021 STD 

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal  27/04/2021 STD 9

 Home Learning Link Of Youtube 27/04/2021 STD 9

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal  27/04/2021  STD 10 વિજ્ઞાન

Home Learning Link Of Youtube 27/04/2021 STD 10

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal 27/04/2021 STD 11 Home Learning Link Of Youtube 27/04/2021

STD 11 Home Learning Link Of Diksha Portal 

27/04/2021 STD 12 Home Learning Link Of Youtube



27/04/2021 STD 12

Home Learning Link Of Diksha Porta

std 9 to 12 Virtual class video date 27/04/2021 A virtual classroom is a digital replica of a traditional classroom or training room. The instructors teach, and the participants learn in real-time, face-to-face but via internet-enabled technology devices. The classroom or the meeting room staple – whiteboard – remains intact. Brainstorming, ideation, and discussions happen in real-time. Tests are given and taken pre and post the session. The reports are ready right after the session is over. Everything remains the way it is. The only difference is: an online classroom uses technology to support instruction and learning. What are the advantages of a virtual classroom? It offers more flexibility over a traditional classroom. 

You can deliver the instruction to a geographically dispersed audience at one time. Both the instructors and learners have rich experience of collaborating with other learners and instructors from around the world. The attendance is automatically tracked. Moreover, online collaboration typically incorporates more communication tools, such as chat, open discussion boards, polls, multimedia content, and social media

 The online class software works in a similar fashion for businesses. You can train employees, vendors, partners, and customers face-to-face in real-time via a standalone app or you can also integrate it with your website, CMS, ERP, or LMS. You can conduct the training even when the stakeholders are on the move. They can access the eLearning material and attend the live session from their smartphones, tablets, or laptops. When you do a search of what a virtual classroom is exactly, you come across a wide variety of definitions. Some of them relate the virtual classroom to course materials, homework, tests, and assignments that are typically used in self-paced (asynchronous) learning

However, all of these activities are external to the classroom experience. That is why the definition of a virtual classroom should be related to synchronous online learning, which happens in real-time and provides the participants with an experience very close to traditional face-to-face teaching. Here is our understanding of what a virtual classroom is: Std 9 Virtual Class Vide

Date 27/04/2021: Click Here Live At 10:00 AM Std 9 Virtual Class Video SCIENCE Date 27/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01:00 AM Std 9 Virtual Class Video  Date 27/04/2021: Click Here Live At 2: 01 PM std 10 Virtual class Click Here Live At 01:00 AM std 10 Virtual class  video date 27/04/2021: Click Here Live At 2:01 PM std 12 Virtual class Namana Mul Tatvo video date 27/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01:01 PM std 12 Virtual class Maths video date 27/04/2021: Click Here Live At 01: PM.std 12 Virtual class Akdashashtr video date 27/04/2021: Click Here Live At 1: 01 PM std 12 Virtual class

video date 27/04/2021: Click Here Live At 1: 01 PM Synchronous virtual classrooms have the potential to provide significant added value to online learning by addressing the needs of the learners as they relate to social interaction and psychological safety. They can also create a new standard in the learning experience that goes above and beyond the physical space of the classroom and traditional teaching methods. The virtual classroom provides an abundance of opportunities, especially when combined with self-study platforms (learning management systems) or when used in addition to traditional classroom learning activities. Unlike asynchronous learning environments, the synchronous virtual classroom allows for instant feedback, direct teacher-student interaction, and engaging activities to increase motivation and active participation. Immediate communication favors relationship building within the group, as well as a sense of community. interactions in a virtual classroom create a sense of a more informal and safer emotional environment as the learners usually participate from the comfort of their homes. The learning process is much more focused because of the absence of the usual physical distractions that are found in the conventional classroom. Psychological safety leads to better learning outcomes. It also fosters creativity, confidence, and a willingness to experiment on the part of the learners. The virtual teacher also has a crucial role here – they need to encourage safe discussions, mutual respect, equal opportunities to participate, and the free sharing of different viewpoints. The teacher can enhance the psychological safety of the learners and make things more personalized by adding options for self-directed learning, as ell as by communicating more frequently with every student through a Learning Management System. Welcome to the virtual class of STD 1 to 12 under the Home Learning Program by the whole education. You can watch our live class live broadcast via the subsequent media link. If you have any opinion

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