Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Driving license and R.C. Validity of documents including has been extended till 31st December 2020


Driving license and R.C. Validity of documents including has been extended till 31st December 2020

Driving license and R.C.  The validity (duration) of the documents including has been extended till December 31, 2020. In the COVID-19 situation, an advisory has been issued by the Ministry of Roads and Transport of the Government of India.  This advisory is a matter of document related to the vehicle and the driver.  Regarding vehicle and license as per advisory  Citizens are released from the documents till 31.12.2020.  

These documents include vehicle fitness, driving license, R.C., Permits etc. are included y.  During the enforcement operation, the enforcement officer/staff will have to carry out the enforcement work keeping in view the advisory.

 In addition, the beginner |  Re-apprentice of apprentice license after a period of six months related to the license  For the operation of issuing the license, the applicant will have to pay only the novice license fee related to the type of vehicle.  All other fees like smart card - application fee etc. will be carried forward as stated in the list of the Commissioner of Vehicle Transactions.

Positive or negative influence from a teacher early on in life can have a great effect on the life of a child. Teachers, especially at the elementary level, must be very creative with their teaching styles. Not every child learns the same way, nor are they interested in the same things. It is difficult to keep the attention of 15-20 children under the age of ten.


 Important Link 

Click Here Toi Read Official Press Note


Classroom setup and design is a good way to get and keep the attention of students. Workstations are a good way to encourage different types of learning. By allowing children a chance to choose which activities they want to participate in, children are taking control of their own education. At the elementary level, children are always learning and sometimes don't even know it. When I was in kindergarten,

 I can remember playing at the different stations in the classroom. One station was for gardening and we could plant seeds and check them every day to see how much they had grown. Another station in that classroom that sticks out in my mind is the arts and crafts station. There was a large array of crayons, markers, scissors, construction paper and building materials we could use to make pretty decorations to give to our parents for our homes. 

By choosing which station we wanted to work at, we were becoming much more interested in what we were learning because we were doing what we wanted to do, not what we had to do. By setting high standards for a student, the teacher is encouraging the student to do the same and will eventually...

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