Monday, September 28, 2020



In the third round, 2797 students were allotted to the college but only 1502 students confirmed their admission. In the Commerce faculty, 2811 seats were filled at the end of 4 rounds but 12 thousand fell vacant.  Against which a new round was allotted for 2111 vacant seats and now the fifth round was allotted.  Fees have been reluctantly confirmed by the students to be paid to the colleges after the deadline for admission to the college.  The current status of whether or not to do so, with only 1,200 students paying fees, is such that approximately admission was confirmed for admission.  Thus, as per the four admission rules, when there is a normal situation, the vacancies will be filled.  Colleges registered applications in their own way.  Out of which 5111 »out of more than 1200, 3111 seats have been filled.  Students are admitted if the college allocates to the students on the basis of merit by ordering.  Against which 18 seats are vacant.  Is.  As many as five to six thousand universities have not yet decided on admissions for the current year on the issue of whether to give seats to colleges in the current situation.  Members of the admissions committee say students who have completed our process have been denied admission despite having completed four online rounds that have not been confirmed.  Has happened.  The work that will be done now will be done by the university.  If 12 seats are vacant.  But Navgujarat time> Ahmedabad Under normal circumstances, if two or three online rounds are to be held, how many seats are vacant?  This has to be done only for the students who are currently denied admission. These students are the ones who have vacancies after completing four rounds.  The situation that arose in the fourth round is again to offer different colleges in the fifth round with Gujarat University which has to be filled on the basis of merit.  In this situation it is now important for the university to decide what to do.  Admission has not been confirmed yet.  Are offered for courses, including current affiliate commerce.  The situation is such that unilateral seats agreed to the fourth but corona epidemic this year in the ongoing proceedings for vacant admission.  Despite giving consent they are admitted by paying a fee and on the other hand the double seats are not only confirmed in the process of choice filling after more online rounds due to the students being given in the empty round.  Just fell.  As per the rules, the college was allotted on the basis of vacant choice.  Twenty four students participated in the fourth round.  1600 students have been allotted seats in the fourth round to fill the colleges.  Consent to students who want to take in the fourth round The important thing is that 12 students are confirmed to be admitted in the college.  But at present the instruction to give consent to 8 students for admission was given by the admission committee to those who have their own choice.  Thus, now a decision was made for the total vacancies in Commerce Colleges.  Out of which admission was given by the committee in which 8 students and according to merit, allocation of the college, out of 202, 12 seats have not been allotted yet.



Supplementary examination of students who failed in Std. 12 general stream from today.  Due to which a large number of students have filled the form.  

 In the next one week in the morning and afternoon, the examination will be taken in two sessions Gujarat Secondary  In the next 7 days, in the next 7 days, a total of Std. 12 general session will be held by the Board of Higher Secondary Education.  For those students who have failed in two subjects on the first day, Geography from 10.30 am to 1.45 am and for such students, examination will be held in Gujarati from 3.00 pm to 6.15 pm and in the supplementary English subject from 9 am on Monday.  This will come.  Students have registered for the examination of 348 buildings in the state in 1,50,8 3052 blocks.  Arrangements have been made.  1201 seats have been arranged in 7 zones of 7 states for the supplementary examination of the examination day.  So far only one student from the building and 9014 block will be examined by the board.  This was the examination after the examination of the subject subject was completed.  When the NAPAS result in one subject will be declared this year, more than 30,000 will be declared.

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